Categoria: Gestió de la investigació

Convocatòria europea de projectes pilot en l'àmbit de la salut

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La Comissió Europea ha obert la convocatòria de propostes de projectes pilot PP-2-2016, en el marc del Programa d'acció en l'àmbit de la salut:

  • PP-2-1-2016: Pilot project - Establishing a Registry of Rare Congenital Malformations (as part of the Rare Diseases Registry), drawing on the structure, organization and experience of the Registry of Congenital Malformations.
  • PP-2-2-2016: Pilot project - Mentally: access to mental health care and improving mental health literacy.
  • PP-2-3-2016: Pilot project - Severe mental disorders and the risk of violence: pathways through care and effective treatment strategies.
  • PP-2-4-2016: Pilot project - Integrate: Development of integrated strategies to monitor and treat chronic and rheumatic diseases: the role of quality indicators and patient reported outcomes in addition to the physician evaluation of disease activity and damage.
  • PP-2-5-2016: Pilot project - Primary prevention courses for girls living in areas with higher risk of breast cancer.

El termini per a la presentació de les sol·licituds finaliza el 31 de gener de 2017.

[Font: Guía de Finançament Comunitari]

[Foto: Dbenbenn / European flag / CC BY­ND 2.0]